CDC-30 发表于 2018-4-23 11:43:50

美媒:美国打压中兴源于对中国科技崛起的恐慌!伤人者必自伤! 2018-4-23

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                     来源:中国日报-双语君2018-04-22 09:06:48


当地时间16日,美国商务部宣布,今后七年内,美 国公司将被禁止向中兴通讯销售零部件、商品、软件和技术。一记重拳向中兴砸下。
在与中国的贸易之战中,美国科技领域被战火围困。文章开篇就说,如果你认为中美的贸易摩擦只是关于钢铁和大豆,那你可就得好好思考下了:If you think the rising economic tensions between the U.S. and China are all to do with commodities like steel and soybeans, think again. The tech sector is very much in the crossfire.如果你认为中美之间的贸易摩擦只是与钢铁、大豆这样的商品有关,那你需要三思,因为科技领域可是交火正酣。特朗普政府担心的,是中国这些科企的技术优势:Besides the generally negative tone of U.S.-China trade relations, the Trump administration is also worried about ZTE and Huawei’s growing technological edge: The two companies led the world in patent applications in 2017, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization.除了中美贸易关系的消极论调,特朗普政府还担心中兴和华为日渐增长的技术优势:根据世界知识产权组织消息,这两家公司在2017年申请专利数领先世界。
➤ 美国担忧中国科企发展5G美国尤其担心的是什么?文章指出:是这些科企的5G技术。这很有可能会让美国在通讯技术上落后,未来只能依赖中国科企:A specific concern is that their massive investment in next-generation mobile-network technology, known as 5G, could leave American wireless carriers with no choice but to use Chinese technology in future.一个很具体的担忧,就是他们(中兴和华为)在5G上的大规模投入,这可能会使得美国的无线运营商在未来只能依赖中国技术。文章称,这与美国政府干预高通被收购的套路是一样的,都是担心自身发展5G受阻:
The move against ZTE is consistent with the U.S. government’s decision last month to block Singapore-based Broadcom ’s proposed takeover of Qualcomm, on the grounds it would undermine U.S. strength in 5G technology.上月,美国政府阻挠位于新加坡的博通公司收购高通的请求,理由是这会损害美国在5G技术上的优势,这与其对中兴的制裁实际是一个套路。➤ 不满《中国制造2025》,下手中兴是想下一盘大棋《纽约时报》表示,美国早已盯着中国的2025,想在尖端技术上跟中国下一盘大棋,试图阻止中国主导一些技术类行业:
中国科企被禁购买美国零件文章写道:That trade clash now centers heavily on cutting-edge technology. The Trump administration accuses China of using coercion and illicit means to obtain American technology. In particular, it has criticized an industrial plan known as Made in China 2025 that seeks to make China a world leader in industries like robotics, electric cars and medical devices.现在,这场贸易冲突主要集中在尖端技术上。特朗普政府指责中国利用胁迫和非法手段获取美国技术,对于《中国制造2025》的工业计划尤其不满。该计划寻求在机器人、电动汽车和医疗设备等领域让中国成为世界领导者。
In a bid to stop China from dominating these industries, the White House has proposed limiting American exports of semiconductors and advanced machinery to the country. That could happen through new investment restrictions, which are slated to be announced in the coming months.白宫试图阻止中国主导这些行业,提议限制美国面向中国的半导体和先进机械出口。这可能会通过新的投资限制来实现,相关限制将在未来几个月公布。《纽约时报》也表示,中国近年来,在人工智能等一些领域取得了相当大的进展:While China has long been viewed as the lower-cost producer for technology companies in the United States, it has in recent years gained considerable ground in areas like artificial intelligence. Last year, China unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence and create an industry worth $150 billion to its economy by 2030.尽管中国长期被视为美国科技公司的低成本生产商,但近年来,中国在人工智能等领域取得了相当大的进展。去年,中国公布计划,要成为人工智能领域的世界领导者,到2030年将其打造成一个价值1500亿美元(约合9400亿元人民币)产业。美国媒体Axios也发表文章表示,这是由于对中国科技的恐慌:
《华尔街日报》:在中美的科技之战中,美国杀敌一千,自损八百中国首创资本创始人董事长傅成这样形容美国对中兴的制裁:the fraughtest moment in the 30-year history of U.S.-China technology trade and mutual reliance中美科技贸易和相互依赖30年历史上最令人忧虑的时刻fraught adj. 担心的,忧虑的➤ 美国芯片制造商日子也不好过就像中国诸多产业依赖美国芯片一样,美国的芯片市场也需要中国。美国高通公司就被自己国家推到了一个极为尴尬的境地:The block put the mobile-chip company firmly at the center of a growing tech rivalry between its home country and its biggest market: China, which accounts for almost two-thirds of Qualcomm’s revenue.这一禁令让高通这个手机芯片公司夹在了中美两国技术较量的中心,而中国是高通最大的市场,高通三分之二的收益都来自于中国。而也正因如此,高通收购荷兰公司恩智浦的计划可能受到牵连而被迫搁置:
China’s Commerce Ministry spokesman, Gao Feng, said Thursday a preliminary review of Qualcomm’s NXP deal turned up issues that make “it difficult to eliminate the negative impact,” but he didn’t rule out the possibility of an eventual approval.中国商务部发言人高峰19日表示,正在审查今次高通并购恩智浦案,认为并购“很难消除负面影响”,但他并没有排除最终通过的可能性。Qualcomm said Thursday that it refiled its application with Chinese regulators, and agreed with NXP to extend the deal’s deadline by three months to July 25.高通19日表示,已经重新向中国提交申请,并与恩智浦协定将交易截止日期延长三个月至7月25日。据悉,根据反垄断相关法律,这宗交易需要获得9个国家和地区监管机构的批准,此前经多番博弈后,欧盟终于开绿灯,目前只欠差中国商务部的批准。文章表示:The deal is seen as crucial to San Diego-based Qualcomm, which needs to look for growth beyond its dominance in the smartphone sector. NXP specializes in making chips for automobiles, a rapidly growing market.这次并购对位于圣地亚哥的高通公司特别重要,他们需要寻求其主导的智能手机行业之外的增长,而恩智浦则专攻手机芯片制造,这是个快速增长的市场。
文章称,中美科技公司的相互依赖,证明科技之战不是一场零和博弈,高通就是美国受伤科企中的一个:The interdependence of technology companies across the Pacific means that a tech war isn’t a zero-sum game. Qualcomm is one of several U.S. suppliers hurt by the ban on sales to ZTE.横跨太平洋科技公司的相互依赖表明,科技之战不是一场零和游戏。高通就是美国禁售中兴受伤的供应商之一。另据彭博社19日报道,为了降低成本,高通已经开始大规模裁员了:
Qualcomm Inc. has begun cutting about 1,500 jobs in California as part of a broader workforce reduction aimed at meeting a commitment to investors to pare costs by $1 billion, according to people familiar with the process.知情人士称,高通公司已开始在加利福尼亚州裁减大约1500个工作岗位,这也是更广泛的裁员计划的一部分,旨在向投资者兑现削减10亿美元成本的承诺。➤ 美国农民又添新担忧前一阵,外媒已经哀叹过一轮,中美打贸易战,会给美国农民带来灾难性打击。而近日美国制裁中国科技公司,则会从另一方面给美国农民带来打击:网速。
文章为美国农村的网络担忧:Cutting out the Chinese companies from rural markets could place significant financial pressure on carriers and reduce their ability to provide adequate connectivity.把中国公司赶出美国农村市场可能会给运营商带来巨大的资金压力,并降低它们提供充足网络连接的能力。中兴遭制裁,激起中国人奋起之心中兴的“芯片”之痛,让我们意识到了自己的短板,同时也激起了国人的奋起之心。外媒也注意到了这一点。美国《国会山报》称:美国对中兴的禁令,激起了中国人的团结。
美国对中兴的禁令激起中国人团结起来为该公司打气报道称:The Chinese are now rallying around telecommunications company ZTE Corp. in response to a U.S. ban on sales of components to the Chinese company.中国人现在团结在电信公司中兴的周围,对抗美国对该公司禁售元件的决定。路透社也报道称:Chinese social media has seen an outpouring of support for ZTE.中国社交媒体上涌现大量网友评论支持中兴。
为什么美国制裁中兴或成为助推中国实现芯片雄心的最好动力文章称,中国政府会因此奋发图强,摆脱在半导体领域对美国的依赖:The shock of possibly seeing one of its star state owned tech companies struggle for survival will push Beijing even harder in its efforts to reduce reliance on some US$200 billion of annual semiconductor imports, which it fears holds back its own technology sector.眼看着国企科技巨头或将陷入挣扎求生的境地,中国政府备感震惊,定将全力奋起,摆脱每年约2000亿美元的半导体进口,政府正担心这些进口半导体会阻碍本国科技领域的发展。该文章注意到,中国政府其实早就已经在半导体领域投入大量资金,成立了国家集成电路产业投资基金,以直接入股的方式对国内半导体企业给予财政支持。China’s National Integrated Circuits Industry Investment Fund, a central government subsidy programme aimed at reducing the country’s reliance on foreign microchips, wants to raise as much as 200 billion yuan (US$32 billion) in its latest round of funding. The first round of about 140 billion yuan was allocated to more than 20 companies.据悉中国国家集成电路产业投资基金(一个旨在减少对国外芯片依赖的政府补贴项目),在最近一期集资中拟募集2000亿人民币资金。第一期募集的1400亿人民币已经投入20多家企业中。评论乐观地认为,中国有足够的资金和市场来支撑自己的芯片产业,关键在于一个突破口:China has the capital and the consumer market to support its own chip industry, but the road to get there won’t be easy. More often than not, a crisis is the best way to achieve a breakthrough – perhaps in a new technology that could make current manufacturing methods obsolete and vault the inventor to No 1 position.中国有足够的资金和消费市场来支撑自己的芯片产业,但道路是曲折的。通常,一场危机或许就是最好的方式来找到突破口,也许中国能够研发出新的技术,淘汰当前的制造方式,借此一跃而起、雄踞榜首。
编辑:李雪晴 左卓

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